Community Life Church at La Crescenta held a fun-filled vacation Bible School program for neighborhood children ages pre-school through sixth grade. All COVID safety precautions were followed so that everyone could have a safe, and good, time.
The high-tech-themed VBS program, called “Press Play,” used music, Bible story time, crafts, missions, games and skits to help the children learn to build confidence in themselves by using God’s love and forgiveness in their future. The children enjoyed a skit about time travel, invisible cars and how to have confidence in the midst of confusion.
The finale of the night was a classic “cream pie in the face” gag that landed in the face of the program leader as the children celebrated raising over $500 for the charity Compassion International, a non-profit organization whose mission is releasing children from poverty in the name of Jesus and to help children be fully developed and responsible and fulfilled adults.
Submitted by Robert THOMAS