CVLL launches new season

Opening ceremonies for CV Little League were held on March 19. Glendale City Councilman Ara Najarian threw out the first pitch to Roert Giese.

Crescenta Valley Little League held its opening ceremonies on March 19 at Montrose Park. Local dignitaries, including Glendale City Councilman Ara Najarian, threw out the first pitches for the softball and baseball games.
Najarian tossed the first pitch to 10-year-old catcher Robert Giese of the 2009 league champions Landry’s Sporting Goods team.
La Cañada resident Glendon Rusch, a veteran of 10 major league baseball campaigns, threw out the first pitch to Claire O’Conner, catcher for the 2009 CVLL softball champion Red Hots, sponsored by the Glendale Fireman’s Club.