Osborne Field Site of First – Ever – Homecoming Celebration

Photos by Julian MITCHELL
The football team was the first athletic organization in the parade.

By Julian MITCHELL, intern

Moyse Stadium at Glendale High School was quiet Friday night. In an unusual turn of events, the fun under the Friday night lights took place on Osborne Field at Crescenta Valley High School.

CVHS hosted the first ever homecoming celebration on Osborne Field in lieu of the traditional homecoming football game.

The CVHS 2018 homecoming court. Steve, I’m waiting for names.

“Even when we were disappointed, we weren’t deterred,” said Principal Dr. Linda Junge.

The homecoming game was scheduled to be played against Hoover High School.

“Hoover High School football team will not be able to field enough varsity players who are ready to safely play their football game against Crescenta Valley High School [on] Friday, Oct. 19,” read an announcement issued from the Glendale Unified School District. The district had approved the football team to resume operations following a melee that occurred on Oct. 3.

Although its homecoming game was canceled, a celebration for CVHS could not be stopped. The ASB cabinet came together and, in less than three days, organized a lively night of school spirit.

The evening started with a parade of the school groups that participated, including students from many of the athletic programs and performance arts. Following the parade, the senior and junior female members of the pep squad participated in a powder puff football game. The seniors ended up keeping the juniors scoreless, winning 24-0.

The underclassmen cheerleaders cheered on the upperclassmen playing in the powder puff game.

The night also featured performances from the CVHS marching band and dance team. To end the celebration, the homecoming king and queen were crowned in preparation for the homecoming dance the following evening.

“I’m really proud of our ASB cabinet,” said CVHS teacher John Pehar. “They put their heart and soul into this.”

Pehar oversees the ASB cabinet and was the man behind the night’s festivities.

“This was really nice. You did a great job, John,” said former principal Ken Beirmann as he congratulated Pehar after the celebration ended.

Even after the crowds had left, Pehar and his students were there to help cleanup in anyway they could.

“It’s kind of funky and campy, but it’s fun,” said Dr. Junge of the night.

The event was open and free to all members of the community, letting students enjoy the homecoming celebration with their families.

“It was great for CV to welcome us and have families come,” said Chris Ferraro, a CVHS parent.

GUSD also supplemented CVHS with $7,000 to compensate for the lost ticket and concession revenue due to the canceled homecoming game.

“We have an awesome community,” said GUSD Superintendent Dr. Winifred Roberson, who was in attendance for the festivities.

He indicated that all schools have been very cooperative while the district is continues to manage the effects of the fight.

The next CVHS football game will be against Arcadia High School tomorrow night. The varsity game will be played at Arcadia High School, 180 Campus Drive, Arcadia at 7 p.m.