Ready to Celebrate the Fourth

By Mary O’KEEFE Celebrating America’s Independence has been a tradition in the United States since 1776. On July 2, 1776 representatives from the 13 colonies, at the time still fighting for their independence, gathered to work on what would become the Declaration of Independence. Two days later, the delegates adopted the document and since then […]

(Still) Open – and Ready for Business

By Brandon HENSLEY Whether by car or motorcycle, the drive up Angeles Crest Highway to Newcomb’s Ranch Bar & Restaurant from La Cañada is 27 miles of steep, winding road. Twenty-seven miles of breath-taking scenery but also sharp turns, which give way to a view down below that even Wile E. Coyote wouldn’t survive if […]

Glendale City Council Tries to Plug Budget Gap

By Ted AYALA Glendale City Council had to wrangle with tough choices on Tuesday during the last council meeting. With an expected shortfall of $18 million in revenue looming, the city of Glendale will be forced to take decisive action in plugging the budget gap while maintaining city services. “Our strategies are seeking concessions from […]


By Sue KILPATRICK “Freedom has its life in the hearts, the actions, the spirit of men and so it must be daily earned and refreshed – else like a flower cut from its life-giving roots, it will wither and die.” ~ Dwight D. Eisenhower When summer descends upon us, we often experience a sense of […]

Empowerment is Key

Robin is on a much needed/much-deserved vacation. She along with her husband, three of her boys and a stowaway – my daughter Molly – traveled to Florida. Of course being Robin, she is in constant touch via phone, email and even Skype. However with her gone the job of writing her column falls to me […]


Senior Health Lecture Series Mountview Retirement Community and Glendale Adventist Medical Center present a free lecture on men’s health. The event is part of their Senior Health Lecture Series. It will be held on June 30 at 1 p.m. at the Mountview Retirement Community, 2640 Honolulu Ave. in Montrose. Campgrounds Subject of Study The city […]

CV Needs A Skate Park

By Maddy PUMILIA Crescenta Valley teenagers gathered at St. Luke’s of the Mountains on Saturday to skate at a temporary skate park, hoping to raise awareness – and money – for a skate park at Crescenta Valley Park. “Kids need something to do other than skating on private property,” said 16-year-old Cooper Iven, who organized […]

Don’t Forget Your Shopping Bags

By Mary O’KEEFE “Is plastic okay?” That question, usually inquired of shoppers at local grocery stores, will no longer be asked, at least not in the unincorporated area of Los Angeles. On July 1, Ralphs Market in La Crescenta will no longer be offering plastic bags. Ralphs, along with all large grocery stores and pharmacies […]

Visitors Get “Bugged” at Expo

By Jason KUROSU Crescenta Valley Park, usually a draw for families on Saturday afternoons, drew a congregation of a different breed this past Saturday. For the majority of this afternoon, the park’s recreation center was the gathering place for insect enthusiasts and any other curious parties for the Xtreme Inverts Bug Expo. Insects were on […]

Drayman’s Condo Requires More Permits

By Mary O’KEEFE The city ordered inspection of former Glendale city councilmember John Drayman’s condominium has begun. Last year, Drayman had his condo remodeled after a water main broke within the walls of the building. The homeowners association’s insurance paid for the repairs. Since the condo was under construction for repairs, Drayman said he thought […]