LC Parcel Tax Vote in Progress

By Mary O’KEEFE La Cañada Flintridge residents have been receiving their Measure LC parcel tax ballots in the mail. It is now up to the residents within the La Cañada Unified School District’s area to approve, or not approve, a $450 annual tax. In reality residents have already been paying $150 annually, so this would […]

Big Rig Parking Banned in La Crescenta and Montrose

By Mary O’KEEFE Signs banning big rig parking are being prepared and soon Los Angeles County Dept. of Public Works will be placing them around the La Crescenta area. The L.A. County board of supervisors approved the ban that would affect commercial vehicles weighing in excess of five tons from parking along the streets and […]

A Runner’s World

By Mary O’KEEFE Running has always been a popular way to stay healthy. There are industries built around the runner. When in years past it was enough to have a simple pair of tennis shoes, a pair of shorts and a T-shirt, now the shoes and clothing are designed by doctors and engineers and can […]

Buy a Car, Help a School

By Mary O’KEEFE Each year parents, volunteers and members of non-profit organizations look at their budgets and sigh knowing that fundraising for that year will be a struggle, as always. The community of Crescenta Valley has been supportive of local groups through private and business donations. For example, on any given evening a local restaurant […]

It’s Official: We’re in a Drought

While Southern California may be the envy of the other 49 states, its citizens are asked to – again – conserve water. By Mary O’KEEFE Gov. Jerry Brown officially declared California in a drought on Friday, Jan. 17 stating that state officials will take all the necessary actions to prepare for drought conditions. “We can’t […]

Allergies Hit the Crescenta Valley

By Mary O’KEEFE It seems like anywhere you go in the Crescenta Valley these days there is sneezing, coughing and lots of tissues. The unseasonably warm temperatures, Santa Ana winds and low humidity are a hazard not only for wild fires, but also for those who suffer from allergies, even if they have never had […]

Warm, Windy Weather to Continue

UPDATE 1/17/14: Governor Brown Declares Drought State of Emergency SAN FRANCISCO – With California facing water shortfalls in the driest year in recorded state history, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today proclaimed a State of Emergency and directed state officials to take all necessary actions to prepare for these drought conditions. “We can’t make it […]

Letters Needed for the Crossing Guard

By Mary O’KEEFE In the never-ending fight to keep pedestrians safe, especially students walking to school, the crossing guard has been a powerful weapon. Praises have been heaped on these local heroes who brave texting teen drivers, rushed parents and absent-minded business people as they step into the treacherous waters otherwise known as the school […]

Northridge Earthquake 20 Years Later

By Charly SHELTON and  Mary O’KEEFE Monday, Jan. 17, 1994. At 4:31 a.m., a 6.7 magnitude earthquake rocked Southern California. Despite being known as the Northridge earthquake, the epicenter was actually Reseda. The shaking lasted only 10 to 20 seconds, yet the force exerted on the ground was so intense that movement was felt as […]

The Art of Relaxation

By Mary O’KEEFE “Breathe – let your mind and body relax.” These are words that start mediation sessions at St. George’s Episcopal Church in La Cañada, and probably the most difficult instructions to follow. Relax, according to Merriam-Webster, is a verb meaning to “become or to cause (something) to become less tense, tight or stiff.” […]