Easter, Passover Reflections In December after I had written my commentary on Christmas, a lady called me inquiring about the paper and asking if I had an agenda, citing my Christian-based column. I told her no and said I wrote the column because it was Christmas time. She pointed out that it was also Hanukkah. […]
Revisiting our Roots Earlier this year, Lisa Mitchell joined our staff here at the Crescenta Valley Weekly. She is a blessing and has kept us in tip-top shape. Recently, Lisa came across the very first issue of the CV Weekly. She was pretty surprised by how far the paper has come in just two-and-a-half years. […]
Rolling Up Our Sleeves As you can probably imagine, it gets pretty busy here at the offices of Crescenta Valley Weekly. I don’t get down to Glendale as much as I would like and that’s a shame because when I do “head south” I tend to learn a lot. Last week, for example, I attended […]
Getting Ready to Clean Up Spring is literally right around the corner and with that is the dreaded spring cleaning. Actually, I don’t dread spring cleaning as much as I’m not exactly sure what to do with all the stuff left over. Like in the days of old, when Christmas meant “some assembly required” and […]
By Robin GOLDSWORTHY Some say that you can’t go back home, but that wasn’t the case in February when the Glendale Educational Foundation celebrated the achievements of Glendale Unified School District alum at its annual Dancing With Diamonds Ball. Ron Underwood, who attended Hoover High School, was lauded for his achievements in the arts. An […]
Having an Open Mind to get Open Space I had the chance to attend the recent meeting held at Rosemont Middle School regarding the acquisition of the land at the top of Rosemont Avenue by the nonprofit Arroyos and Foothills Conservancy. The AFC is interested in acquiring the land, which is currently privately owned, in […]
March’s Calendar: Roaring In It has been a rough couple of weeks. The community continues to react to the suicide over at the high school in February. In response, the family is in the process of creating a foundation in their son’s name. A fundraiser is planned on Sunday for Drew’s Voice over at Leo’s […]
By Robin GOLDSWORTHY At the Feb. 16 meeting of the CV Town Council, member Frank Beyt introduced a new tutoring program that the town council, in conjunction with Crescenta Valley High School, is sponsoring. The program will initially work with students at La Crescenta Elementary School and Beyt urged council audience members to consider helping […]
By Robin GOLDSWORTHY More than 250 people attended the annual community awards and installation luncheon of the Glendale Latino Association held at the La Cañada Country Club on Thursday, Feb. 23. L.A. Superior Court Judge Gus Gomez installed the 2012 officers Nancy Guillen, Amy Navarrete, Arlene Villarin, Mae Abou-Chakra, Adriana Rebold, Nasly Zelaya and directors […]
Learning Together The Crescenta Valley community has stepped cautiously on a path of healing in the wake of the suicide at CV High School on Feb. 10, but the path that moves us forward will have detours that cause us to look back. The question that is uppermost in all of our minds is “Why?” […]