Talking the Talk

Some statistics state that the fear of public speaking is one of the greatest among the population surpassing fear of illness, fear of flying, fear of terrorism, and often the fear of death itself. Thankfully this is not something I have had to overcome because recently I was given the privilege to speak to several […]

Snow Boots and Barbecue

So how much fun was last weekend’s snowfall? I know that when weather columnist Sue Kilpatrick said last Thursday that there was a definite possibility of snow – low snow – I was excited. I’ve lived in the foothills since 1980 and have seen snow a couple of times in the La Crescenta neighborhoods in […]

Preparing to Cast Your Ballot

This week the CV Weekly begins its introduction of candidates for the Glendale City Council, the Glendale Unified School District board of education and the Glendale Community College board of trustees. Anyone who listened to the City Council meeting on Tuesday heard the policies and procedures outlined in conducting an election. It is a huge […]

Shining moments in Mayberry

I hope you have heard about the amazing playing by the CVHS varsity boys basketball team last Thursday night at the high school. It was the last game of league play against cross town rival Arcadia. Arcadia had lost the previous contest between the two and wanted vengeance. It looked like they were going to […]

Yes or no – the choice is ours

I have been involved with the newspaper business for some time and while it is our responsibility to report the news, sometimes we’re also asked to endorse certain measures or politicians. This is usually around election time when folks are running for office or ballot measure supporters are looking to garner the paper’s backing. In […]

Oh, to be bored

I ask you, my fellow adults: When was the last time you were bored? I cannot for the life of me remember the last time I looked around thinking that I had nothing to do, that there was nothing for me to do. I don’t know if it comes with home ownership, having a spouse […]

What is the norm?

Raising children we’ve all heard it: “But everyone is allowed to do it.” The infamous words our children fling at us to get us to let them do something that we instinctively know we shouldn’t permit. The plea, however, begs the questions: “Is everyone allowed to do it?” and “What is the norm?” Last Saturday […]

Still Looking Inward

While the investigation into ADI continues – and we, too, will be following its progress – I have to say thanks to the many folks who have taken the time to comment on the coverage provided by CV Weekly. Mary O’Keefe has been working diligently in gathering the facts and her story last week was […]

New Year Ignites New(s) Controversy

Talk about a messy divorce. The preliminary dissolution of the nuptials of a prominent couple triggered an investigation into ADI, a development firm that is accused of inflating costs on city-related projects. In itself an important story, but what has actually seemed to catch fire is the manner in which the information has been presented […]

Reflection, resolution

It’s no surprise that when Jan. 1 rings in a new year it generally also ushers in a host of  promises. Hopefully, though, some reflection is given on what did and didn’t work in the last 365 days. The desire, too, is to discover what things are truly important and to embrace those while discarding […]