Clark Celebrates Its Seniors

On Friday, Sept. 21 Clark Magnet High School held its annual barbecue day celebrating the more than 200 seniors who will be graduating in June 2013. The event was sponsored by the senior class ASB, and the PTSA was on hand to help with set up and to serve the food. Each year, the students […]

Clark Staff Enjoys Luncheon

Clark PTSA held its annual back-to-school luncheon for the school staff on Monday, Oct. 3. PTSA board members hosting the event (from left above) were Renee Brandt, 1st VP, Aida Mousessian, PTSA president, Peggy Davidian, parliamentarian, Karin Lunsford, recording secretary, Susan Sandmeyer, membership chair, Magda Hamalian, hospitality/staff appreciation chair.