Taking Time to Reset

I know that I’m preaching to many in the choir when I say I’m weary of information overload. The TV and radio – I still listen to “free” AM and FM stations – of course are constantly blasting info at sometimes lightening speed. On a recent Saturday evening my 22-year-old son and I were watching […]

Take Me to the Fair

This weekend promises to be a gorgeous one with Saturday’s temperatures expected to be in the high 70s. It will be a perfect day to head to Crescenta Valley Park to enjoy the annual Hometown Country Fair. The Crescenta Valley Chamber of Commerce is hosting the annual event and it has everything one would want […]

The Parrots of Crescenta Valley

Many wild animals have adapted and even flourished in our increasingly urban Foothills community – coyotes, raccoons, possums and hawks. But there is one non-native wild species that seemingly defies credulity for surviving and thriving in the Crescenta Valley – wild parrots! I first noticed them about five years ago, a small flock feasting on […]

Unleashing the Beast

If you’re a fan of scary movies, you’ve likely hunkered down in your seat as a familiar scene plays out on the screen. You know the one – where unsuspecting merchant seamen or long-haul truckers are transporting a huge and not nearly secure-enough enclosure with some unknown “thing” inside. They only know that something live […]

Car Trouble

As most of you know, I bragged that a couple of weeks ago I bought a new car – well, new to me anyway. It’s a 2000 convertible Toyota Solara and I lost no time in putting the top down, tying on my scarf and putting on my sunglasses (gifts from Mary O’Keefe and her […]

Talking the Talk

Some statistics state that the fear of public speaking is one of the greatest among the population surpassing fear of illness, fear of flying, fear of terrorism, and often the fear of death itself. Thankfully this is not something I have had to overcome because recently I was given the privilege to speak to several […]

Shining moments in Mayberry

I hope you have heard about the amazing playing by the CVHS varsity boys basketball team last Thursday night at the high school. It was the last game of league play against cross town rival Arcadia. Arcadia had lost the previous contest between the two and wanted vengeance. It looked like they were going to […]

You’ve Been Served!

Statistics indicate that most new restaurants fail within two years. While restaurants come and go, years back there were quite a few local eateries that seemed like they’d been here forever and would never go out of business. What do you remember about these former restaurants? If you wanted barbecued chicken and ribs and great […]

The Montrose Silent Movie Man

CV resident Joe Rinaudo grew up with silent movies. That’s not to say he was a kid in the ‘10s and ‘20s. He wasn’t. He was a child of the ‘60s. But he was introduced to silent movies as a youngster at the Brand Park Day Camp, where the kids were shown classic silent comedies […]

Yes or no – the choice is ours

I have been involved with the newspaper business for some time and while it is our responsibility to report the news, sometimes we’re also asked to endorse certain measures or politicians. This is usually around election time when folks are running for office or ballot measure supporters are looking to garner the paper’s backing. In […]