Letters to the editor

Takes issue with Lawler’s article

I found the slant of Mike Lawler’s article bias in favor of the neighbors (An annoyed neighborhood strikes back, Dec. 31). Why didn’t he interview the developer for his side of the story? Did Mike for one moment consider the other side or that he was getting wrong information? For instance, I know that the lot that he’s speaking of will only be split into two lots, not three. Only two homes will be built. Mike slanted the article against the developer, in his framing of the article, that this developer doesn’t appreciate the quiet, the loveliness of La Crescenta. It might surprise Mike to know that the developer has been living in the community almost his entire life and that he takes great pride in building beautiful homes that enhance the neighborhood. Also, he raised his family in La Crescenta and attends a local church. His ties to the community are deep and he is committed to building the right houses for the lot. Did Mike take into consideration that this developer has done everything by the book? He has not tried to do anything untoward but rather has done everything that the county has asked of him. I would like to add the fact Mike Lawler trespassed on this developer’s land as he did not get permission to go on it.

I know the neighbors have a right to fight for what they believe in but I think that it’s only fair that you get both sides, Mike.

Elizabeth Anderson

La Crescenta


Thank you Robin Goldsworthy for honoring the real meaning of Christmas in your “From the desk of the publisher” in the Dec. 24 issue of CV Weekly. The world has tried in so many ways to distract us from celebrating Jesus’ birth. It is refreshing to read something like you wrote in our local newspaper.

Yes, thank you, also, for restoring for our community a local newspaper. It is truly appreciated by many of us. Keep up the good work!

Lois Herrin

La Crescenta


I have been writing an article in my mind for the last two months about roadside trash (or finds), garage sales, recycling, and cleaning up for the New Year. I just wasn’t able to submit it before the holidays. Apparently, Robin Goldsworthy beat me to it (Out with the old – but how? Dec. 31).

Good job.

Susan Bolan

La Crescenta


Up until this year, we have taken advantage of the public school system in Crescenta Valley while participating in religious education after school. My son was hoping to attend Holy Redeemer for middle school, but I am hesitant to send him with the news we heard about (Holy Redeemer and St. James combining to survive, Dec. 17). With so many parents upset, it may pull the morale of the staff and families down. This may make it difficult for us to transition into a new setting. I have heard great things about Holy Redeemer and would hate to see any of the families/teachers uprooted or distraught about the upcoming change. The K-8 school setting in Catholic education is a tradition that has gone on for generations. Breaking it up may “break” the community and cause a ripple effect. I hope it works out. My son was looking forward to attending Holy Redeemer and excited about meeting new people.

via website


When we first posted the story online of the hit and run and victim Joo Lee readers contacted us and asked how they could help. Then with the news of Mr. Lee’s death, more readers contacted us. On Wednesday afternoon we began exploring ways to set up a memorial fund for the family. One of our interns, Peter Lee, was a close friend of the family and through him we began working on a way to help. In only a few minutes Peter had contacted members of several Crescenta Valley High School clubs including LOOK and Prom Plus. The JROTC members had agreed to help and several other students began volunteering and there wasn’t even an event planned yet – they just wanted to help. Peter had mentioned that he wanted to do a car wash fund raiser but knew we couldn’t because of water restrictions. Christy Scott at CV Water District was called and said, “Let me see what I can do.” Within a few hours she had found a way to sponsor a waterless car wash. Robin Goldsworthy contacted the Glendale Area Schools Federal Credit Union where Rita gave her the simple instructions to establish the fund. They had done this for many others in the community and was eager to help.

I don’t know why this type of community spirit still amazes me. I have seen it over and over again with volunteers from the American Red Cross shelter to sandbagging. Local teens pack lunches for the homeless and spend time with seniors at nursing homes. I have seen kids and adults who have fought their way back from addiction help others who are going down that same road. I don’t know why I am surprised at this community’s volunteerism but I am. To think with only a few calls we had the beginnings of a memorial fund and a fund raiser being planned. People continue to add their name to the list of those who wish to help including Glendale Police Department and Crescenta Valley Sheriff’s Station. It is astonishing and inspiring.

Mary O’Keefe and

the CV Weekly staff