Sagebrush Territory Transfer
In the next few weeks the Los Angeles County Committee on School District Organization will be finalizing its decision on the transfer of Sagebrush territory students from the Glendale Unified School District to the La Cañada School District. Those of us with families, students and property in the County and City of Glendale should be outraged over such a transfer.
The transfer of these students to the La Cañada School District will not benefit them educationally and will result in a significant loss of enrollment-based revenue to the Glendale Unified School District. In addition, GUSD school programs will be impacted and, even more important, it may necessitate the transfer of our students to other GUSD schools to balance out enrollment. Family dynamics will be affected and your children may be required to attend a school not in your immediate neighborhood.
The anticipated increase of property values within the Sagebrush territory is the real culprit behind this transfer request. Essentially La Crescenta/Glendale residents are being asked to adjust their lives in order to satisfy those outside our community who seek an increase in their home valuation.
We should respond by having a presence at the County meeting to voice our opposition to the transfer. Graciously GUSD has offered to supply bus transportation for those of us wishing to attend. Please contact the Office of the Superintendent at (818) 241-3111 ext. 1215 for the date of the County meeting and transportation information.
Steve Pierce
La Crescenta

Questions Portantino Gun Bill
Anthony Portantino has proved himself to be a typical left-wing gun grabber [“Portantino Gun Bill Signed into Law,” Jan. 10]. How keeping under 21-year-olds from defending themselves keeps children in gun-free schools safe is a mystery to me. Imagine, if you will, your 18-year-old daughter, just trying to get a good education, [having] to be escorted by a security guard every time she goes to the library or to class or to her dorm or off campus because to be armed is considered to be a danger to elementary school children.
And why does Portantino get to determine how many weapons and when they are purchased? Give a hack a little power and they think they can make gun free schools safe by controlling how and when peace-loving citizens protect themselves. Makes no sense to me.
Michael Powers
La Crescenta