Letters to the editor

I just wanted you to know how much I look forward to receiving the CV Weekly.  It is always interesting and quite readable. You have put together a great staff that is doing a terrific job of helping you to grow the paper and I look forward to subscribing for many years.
Tony Smith

As far as I am concerned, your column is worth the price of the subscription!  I was quite distressed when the delivery missed our house a few times.
I know you did a few columns about Two Strike Park and its history, but I didn’t see any mention of the Veterans War Memorial that is in the park. (Maybe in the paper we didn’t get?) I’d like to see you do a bit on the present memorial and, more particularly, what the local veterans’ groups, the American Legion and VFW, are doing to rebuild this unique memorial. Some people to contact:
Ken Jury, Commander of American Legion Post #288; Warren Spayth, Commander of VFW Post 1614 and Mike Baldwin, American Legion Adjutant  and member of both groups.
Whatever you do, thank you so much!
Chris Jury
La Crescenta

Letters policy

Crescenta Valley Weekly welcomes letters from the community. We must request that letters be limited to 350 words. Letters can be mailed to Crescenta Valley Weekly; P.O. Box 543; Verdugo City, CA 91046 or e-mail robin@cvweekly.com.
Please include your name, address, phone number and e-mail information (if applicable). We need to receive your letters no later than
Tuesday noon.