February – The Month of Love and Valentines!

On Jan. 31, the Crescenta Valley Town Council held a public forum as part of the Council’s 30-day outreach to stakeholders and extended community asking for input, comments and concerns regarding the proposed Eagle Canyon Channel Trail project. The hybrid meeting consisted of in-person and virtual attendance with approximately 57 attendees in-person and 35 virtually. These included Sussy Nemer, senior field deputy from Supervisor Kathryn Barger’s office, and Michelle O’Connor, from LA County Parks and Rec, who gave a presentation and answered several questions from the community. After listening to the community’s input, a motion was made by Council to oppose the Eagle Canyon Channel Trail project and to recommend that the County not pursue its implementation. The Council unanimously voted to respectfully recommend that the County not move forward with the project as it is not in the best interests of our community.

Los Angeles County residents deserve clarity and consistency. Currently, LA County’s Health Officer Order regarding the outdoor mask mandate is the only one stricter than the State of California. Supervisor Katheryn Barger did emphasize that wearing masks in high-risk indoor settings is still an important tool to combat COVID-19; however, state health experts have established that outdoor events and outdoor school environments are safe for residents to take part without a mask. Aligning with the state is the most effective way to maintain the community’s confidence in our safety protocols. 

With this in mind she sent a letter to the Dept. of Public Health to formally ask to align with state guidance. With the Super Bowl just a few days away where thousands of fans will arrive from outside LA County I anticipate we won’t see very much compliance with the current mask mandate. We shouldn’t continue to have mandates in place that aren’t followed or enforced. This only continues to sow further distrust and frustration for LA County residents. As we near the two-year mark of this pandemic, it is imperative that we protect the public health and public trust of our communities. 

The next general meeting of the CV Town Council is Thursday, Feb. 17. The Council will discuss the upcoming pavement resurfacing project along La Crescenta Avenue, Orange Avenue, Prospect Avenue, Ocean View Boulevard, Mira Vista Avenue and Montrose Avenue within the unincorporated La Crescenta-Montrose community and the outdoor gym at Two Strike Park.

For those who have an interest in attending and participating in our virtual meetings and want to submit comments and/or questions, we encourage you to please contact CVTC at

Stay safe, be healthy.

Harry Leon, President
Crescenta Valley Town Council