Hi, CV!
We are grateful that the Y’s funding will enable our efforts to continue. Our Youth Alliance leaders wanted access to more young people through the Y’s programs. Board members will continue and Julia Rabago, someone who cares deeply about kids, has access to Y resources to help kids. The Y has taken over our programs, our website, our social media and our strategic partners meetings. On paper it’s a good deal. But I won’t be going with them.
I appreciated the easy way we worked together, shared resources, challenged and supported each other. As an alliance, we needed everyone attacking from all points of entry. Many of you attended our functions, served on our board and committees, and talked to your kids. Heartfelt thanks to GUSD – parents, youth, administration, school sites, PTA, and Healthy Start – the City of Glendale, L.A. County, CV Town Council, CV Weekly, the CV and Montrose chambers, and Mary Pinola.
Many people helped me do this job. They taught me about alcohol, drugs, vaping, the teenage brain, how to communicate more effectively and lovingly and how to suck it up and parent. I learned how to work with a volunteer board, update a website, post to social media, and keep my thoughts to 350 words. It was a glorious opportunity.
I am a generation older than my daughter but we are growing up in similar times. War, sexism, racial unrest, gay rights, economic inequality, and (possibly) a generation denied the chance to go to the Summer Olympics. Only this generation deals with social media surveillance, academic stress and legal weed. We know more now than we did then. Our ways have passed. They need us! Stay current!
One way to be in the know is to utilize the power of our strategic partners. Be it geography, economic status or language barriers, CV parents and families often go it alone. You’re not alone. These qualified strategic partners are my gift to you. Many already supplement local resources and serve our at-risk children and families.
Remember, you’re not alone. You have more resources than most.
Goodbye, CV!
Suzy Jacobs, Executive Director,
CV Alliance
3516 N. Verdugo Road
Glendale, CA 91208 (818) 646-7867