Letters to the Editor

Reflections on a ‘Legend’

Recently we lost Tommy Lasorda, baseball and Dodger legend. I had the opportunity to meet this wonderful man on several occasions. Tommy came to speak to the students at Rosemont Middle School with a message of encouragement and a challenge to the student body. This was my first year as Rosemont PTA president. 

The next time was when Tommy came with his wife to ride as grand marshal in the [Montrose] Glendale Christmas Parade. I had the chance to meet Tommy afterward and he remembered me from Rosemont. A few years later we met him again at a youth event locally and he remembered our prior encounters.  Much later we had taken our daughters out east for a boy band concert in the Inland Empire and my husband and I escaped to a nearby Italian Restaurant in Ontario and who comes in but Tommy Lasorda? Even though many years had passed and he was with friends, he stopped to say hello and give me a big hug.

Tommy was an inspiration; he was also a class act and will be sorely missed in the greater community that is Southern California

Valerie Andrew

Lauds Crescenta Valley Council

Thank you [CV Town Council] for having the County give their report on the Eagle Channel project (see CV Weekly News, Feb. 25). 

It would be great if the County would review the input they received and flesh out a more comprehensive plan including addressing some of the privacy, safety and noise concerns voiced at the last council meeting.

I feel this is a unique and timely opportunity to make a positive difference in our community. I hope you will see that developing more usable green space benefits our citizens on so many levels including, but not limited to, a safer means of getting to our parks and schools, a healthier and more walkable neighborhood and increased property values.

My family and I whole-heartedly support this project and would like to receive more information.

We appreciate your time and commitment to our community.

Dave Duce

A Loyal CVW Fan

I look forward to reading the CV Weekly news every week. I now live in Minnesota, but La Crescenta was my home for the first years of my life. Reading Mike’s column for me is my favorite. For those who are new to the valley or just want to remember the past, Mike has done a great job for all of us.

Peter Forsen

Scarier than COVID … George Gascon

As the horrors of the Biden and Newsom era move onward I have noticed a pattern while reading one of my favorite sections of the CV Weekly, the GPD crime reports.

Heinous crimes are being committed here in our Glendale and La Crescenta neighborhoods. A recent report told of an individual who purposely sped through multiple red lights to celebrate her birthday! Once pulled over there was, of course, your usual possession of stolen handguns, meth and heroin to be sold on the black market. However, lately each criminal also seems to have tons of EDD cards and fake IDs. They are obviously cashing in on Newsom’s failed state while putting the rest of us and our kids in grave danger.

If that’s not bad enough, each of these “bad guys” gets rapidly released back to the streets under our dangerous DA George Gascon’s criminal friendly zero bail program. Did real people actually vote for this clown?

How about we take our masks off and let our kids go back to school. It’s time to stop being afraid of a respiratory virus and it’s time to start being very, very afraid of our evil DA and crime-loving mayor and governor.

B. Stark
La Crescenta

Details Displeasure with Trail

The letter to the editor from Frank Colcord (CV Weekly, 4 March 2021) misread those of us who voiced concern about the LA County “preproject” presentation regarding the La Crescenta Trail from Two Strike Park south to Rosemont. The County presented only the bare bones concept of improvements to the existing informal walkway. The County did not address key issues of concern: Security (none) for homeowners along the walkway; parking (none); needed vehicular maintenance access (none); potential follow-on extensions (likely and previously proposed). Yet he badmouths us for voicing our concerns. 

Until these issues are satisfactorily addressed by the County we will continue to voice concerns about the proposed trail in meetings. The presentation was completely inadequate and incomplete.

Jim Lumsden
La Crescenta