Letter to the Editor

New Housing Units Coming In?

Los Angeles County and the City of Glendale are currently working on their housing element update, which must be done every eight years. The state decides how many housing units for each of the various income levels must be added to an area and it’s up to the city, or for unincorporated La Crescenta LA County decides, to plan where the new housing units will be located.

Los Angeles County has chosen 33 parcels in Montrose to modify the zoning to allow for much greater density than the current zoning would allow.

Glendale’s plan is not available to the public yet, but they are mandated to find parcels to allow over 13,000 additional units citywide to be built in the next eight years.

The Crescenta Valley Community Assoc. will be discussing the coming housing changes at our Zoom meeting tonight, Thursday, March 25 at 7 p.m. Please email crescentavalleycommunityassn@gmail.com or visit our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/groups/393102097420539 for more information.

Sharon Raghavachary

Steering Committee Member

Crescenta Valley Community Association