Applauds Schiff
Congressman Adam Schiff is thorough and thoughtful in identifying the risks and offering guidance for President Trump’s meeting with Kim Jong-Un to discuss North Korea’s denuclearization (“A High Stakes Gamble by the President on North Korea,” March 22).
Mr. Trump, already counterproductively impulsive and bellicose (Rep. Schiff’s words), has now made his inner circle even more extremely hawkish than it was just a week ago. The logical response must be for Congress to assert their Constitutional authority and remind Trump that the power to wage war rests with Congress alone.
With this President we can’t leave it up to a hope that he will agree with both Winston Churchill and Adam Schiff, that it is better to “jaw-jaw than to war-war.”
Roberta Medford


Thanks Extended to LCF Residents
Foothill MWD received an outstanding public response from customers refraining from outdoor water use to accommodate the inspection of an imported water pipeline.
The inspection covered about 10,000 feet of pipeline starting near the Rose Bowl and ended in La Cañada Flintridge. From March 19 to March 23, a robot utilized high-definition cameras and electromagnetic sensors to measure the steel wall thickness of the pipe and log other data points as it traveled.
“The results from the inspection will better inform our Capital Improvement Program moving forward,” stated General Manager Nina Jazmadarian. “Ensuring the reliability of our pipelines through planned maintenance and rehabilitation will be less costly than an emergency repair.”
During the inspection, local water agencies were unable to access normal imported water deliveries and relied upon local groundwater, water already stored at reservoirs throughout the City and a minimal amount of water from the City of Glendale.
“The inspection is complete and customers can resume outdoor irrigation,” stated Water Program Technician Dan Drugan. “However, residents should continue with water efficient practices. During these spring months, most landscape can be irrigated just once or twice a week. Now is a good time to check your irrigation timer settings to ensure optimal operation. Additionally, spring rain showers offer a great opportunity to shut off the sprinklers for a few days.”

According to the U.S. Drought Monitor, most of California is experiencing abnormally dry-to-drought-like conditions. Southern California’s water year, which runs from October 2017 to September 2018, is seeing one of its driest starts in decades. As of March 27, 2018, rainfall for the local area as recorded by the LA County – Descanso rain station totaled only 8.13 inches so far this season.
“It’s apparent that there could be a significant draw from water reserves to meet all demands in Southern California this year,” added Jazmadarian. “So while we thank our customers for their cooperation last week, we should continue to build on conservation as a way of life in the foothill area.”
Foothill Municipal Water District provides imported water to Crescenta Valley Water District, La Cañada Irrigation District, Mesa Crest Water Company, Valley Water Company, Lincoln Avenue Water Company, Las Flores Water Company and Rubio Cañon Land & Water Association. Kinneloa Irrigation District, another retail agency, takes no water from Foothill.
Foothill MWD
La Cañada