Spring Has Arrived

Spring is officially here and, along with many La Crescenta residents, CVWD has been working on our yard. At the District’s main office, 2700 Foothill Blvd, a water conservation demonstration garden was created in 2003. The garden serves as an example for our residents on how to enhance their landscapes using beautiful California natives in their natural habitat. This year our natives were trimmed to their natural state and mulch is getting ready to be installed. The District is also working on a small water education center in the courtyard of its main office. The education center will feature two large displays that provide customers with interesting facts about CVWD’s water and wastewater systems. The center will have signage for customers to learn more about CVWD and will also feature a walking tour through the conservation garden via their smart phone. Stay tuned for details.

Water use efficiency is even more critical as California faces yet another drought. Outdoor water use accounts for 60% of water used in a typical residential household. Incorporating some of these water saving tips can save water and money.
Reimagine Your Yard. Feed your vegetables and fruits water first because they feed you! Water-wise plants and shade trees use little, or no, water once established. Thirsty plants such as lawn and container plants are the lowest priority.
Use Water-wise Plants. Check with your local nursery to learn of the best plants for your area. It is best to use water-wise, California-native plants when possible.
Reset mower blades. Set blades to three inches for deeper roots and save 16–50 gallons per day.
To save each time you water:
• Use drought-resistant plants and trees to save 30–60 gallons per 1000 sq. ft.
• Use mulch to save 20–30 gallons of water per 1000 sq. ft.
• Install a drip irrigation system and a smart controller to save 15 gallons.
• Adjust sprinkler heads and fix leaks saves 12–15 gallons. A leak about as small as the tip of a ballpoint pen can waste about 6,300 gallons of water per month!

Foothill Municipal Water District (www.fmwd.com/rebates) is currently offering a Spray to Drip Rebate program as well as a SMART Controller Direct Install program. Apply to have an indoor and outdoor water audit. Other rebates are available through Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD). Visit www.socalwatersmart.com for eligibility and rebate application requirements and procedures.