Crescenta Valley Community Association shared updates on several developments in land use issues during the March 23 meeting. The interim ordinance to regulate Accessory Dwelling Units has been extended through the rest of the year to give Glendale City Council time to draft and adopt a permanent ordinance. We can expect a bit more density in our single-family zones. I hope this eases the affordable housing crisis somewhat. It may also allow some multi-generation families to live more comfortably in Glendale.
Multi-family zones are also becoming more dense. The developer of the mixed-use retail/condo project at 3037-3045 Foothill Blvd. has submitted revised plans to LA County and the planner has noted a number of corrections. Sharon Raghavachary continues to monitor progress. CVCA is also keeping an eye on the proposed condo development at 2817 Montrose Ave. in Glendale and looks forward to working with the developer on a neighborhood-compatible design.

The new Wells Fargo at Foothill and Pennsylvania has applied for a variance to legitimize the fence and widely spaced parking bollards built along the southern edge of its parking lot. Plans called for a block wall, and the parking bollards closer together.
Incumbents Dave Spence and Jon Curtis won the La Cañada Flintridge City Council election on March 7 and the new mayor and mayor pro tem were scheduled to be chosen at the April 4 council meeting.
Los Angeles City Council District 7 will have a runoff election for Councilmember on May 16 between Monica Rodriguez and Karo Torossian. Glendale’s municipal election will have happened by the time this is published, and we will know if there will be term limits for councilmembers and who will fill the three council seats. The first GUSD board and Glendale Community College trustees elected by district will also be known. Although there are 10 candidates to fill the three Glendale City Council seats, the city clerk and treasurer, two of the GCC trustees and one of the GUSD board members are running unopposed. I wish all the continuing and new office holders well.
Historic Preservation Commissioner Michael Morgan reported that the Rockhaven Sanitarium was the first noted property on the National Parks Service list of significant properties for Women’s History Month. It’s on the national and state registers of historic properties but not yet listed on Glendale’s register. For more information including the other noted properties see
Park users are concerned about the use of the herbicide Roundup which has been associated with increased cancer rates in some studies. Burbank Unified Schools have discontinued the use of Roundup.
The next Crescenta Valley Community Association meeting will be April 27 starting at 7 p.m. in the community room at the La Crescenta Library, 2809 Foothill Blvd. Park in the upper lot accessed from La Crescenta Avenue. We will have updates on these and other local issues. Our meetings are free and open to the public.