News From the CVTC » Harry LEON

Stay Home, Stay Safe


First and foremost, I hope all of you are doing well during these trying times. Be it the virus or economic stress, we will get through it all together and we will be stronger because of it.

Across the County of Los Angeles, we just finished up our second weekend of staying Safer At Home. By keeping our distance from each other and changing our routines, millions of us statewide made the choice to do right by our neighbors, our seniors, our loved ones and ourselves.

In Los Angeles County and beyond, we are all adjusting to the changes to our daily lives as we collectively fight to “flatten the curve” of the disease caused by the novel coronavirus – COVID-19. We know that many of these changes have caused disruption in the way we live and work. Please comply with safe distancing and protect your safety and that of others.

Let me take this opportunity to thank our supervisor Kathryn Barger for her leadership during this crisis.

The Los Angeles County is ramping up COVID-19 testing sites, opening three additional locations on April 3 with more expected this week; see For more information and frequently asked questions are available at or visit

I would like to thank our first responders, doctors, nurses and volunteers for their hard work and sacrifices during this hard time.

Finally, the bottom line is simple: Everyone should stay home as much as possible and if you must go out for an essential errand you should practice social distancing and have your face covered.

Thank you for doing your part to help stop the spread of the virus COVID-19 and protecting your family, friends, neighbors and community.

Stay healthy, stay safe and stay home.

Harry Leon, President

President of Crescenta Valley Town Council