Letters to the Editor

How California Rates Compared to Other
U.S.  States

(1=Best and 50=Worst)

Health Care = 11; Education = 26; Economy = 4; Opportunity = 46         Infrastructure = 38; Crime & Corrections = 17; Fiscal Stability = 43
Quality of Life = 50; Economic Freedom = 48;
Fiscal Rating = 42; Business Tax = 49       
Pension Liability = 50

According to the Hoover Institution, “Unfunded pension and health care liabilities continue to represent a colossal fiscal burden for both the state government and local governments within California. They’re the reasons that taxes are higher than ever, crowding out the services that the state and cities deliver.” 

And it’s getting worse. It is a fact that CalSTERS and CalPERS have not been fully funded since 2000 and 2007 respectively. Our next recession and/or serious fall of the stock market will likely force the state to stop paying pension benefits as did the state of New Jersey.

Pension to its contributors must be realistically promised and paid. No investment amount can be guaranteed and must be adjusted according to investment return as any investment. Retirees’ contributions and employer-matched funds plus interest and actual investment growth must only be guaranteed. Length of service will increase the amount of retirement dollars. Health insurance cannot be solely funded by the employer.

Proper changes made to pensions will result in fulling many of the realized needs that are on the top of the people’s list.

Ken Grayson, Owner

Grayson’s Tune Town