Letter to the Editor

Responds to ‘Senator Portantino Response to Gun Violence’

In all due respect, Senator, everyone agrees that the recent mass shooting was indeed a tragedy [May 26, News]. It is unfortunate when the media publishes incidents such as this so that it encourages mentally deranged individuals to follow suit. The media is as much to blame as the individual who created the tragedy.

As for epidemics, if you do the research it is clear the number of tragedies that occurs daily on our highways due to recklessness, driving under the influence, speeding, driving while using the phone, running red lights, etc., far exceed gun tragedies! Guns don’t kill, people kill; they did that before guns were invented. Vehicles don’t kill either; it’s the people [who] drive them! If we hold gun manufacturers liable, we should do likewise with the auto industry.

Commercials on TV clearly demonstrate reckless driving with emphasis on how much power a vehicle has, which encourages young drivers to use said power without thought of the consequences.

Law-abiding citizens already comply with a law that firearms must be secured. Needless to say, criminals are oblivious to our laws. If representatives really want to make a difference, they should enact legislation to care for the mentally ill. Mental health centers need to be built that would also aid the homeless. Law enforcement officers need to come out in force to reduce crime and deaths on our highways. Meaningful support from the judicial system would also make a difference.

Our forefathers created a democracy, a nation ruled by the people. Our representatives are elected by the people to abide and protect our constitutional rights, which include the 2nd Amendment. Since the birth of Continental Congress millions of citizens gave their lives to protect said rights. If we want to impede illegal guns and reduce crime, we must make an asserted effort to close our borders and enforce our existing laws.

Andy Gero
La Crescenta