Letters to the Editor

Dear President Obama:
The Congress of the United States, by Joint Resolution on June 9, 1966 approved H.J. Resolution 763 proclaiming the week in which the 14th occurs as National Flag Week, and the same Resolution requested that the President is to issue every year a proclamation and also to call upon citizens of the United States to display the flag during that week,
The origin of Flag Week is also very special to me because I am one of the few people alive that was involved with Bill Bailey of Montrose, the Crescenta-Canada Rotary club, Don Carpenter, the editor of the Ledger Newspaper, and Congressman H. Allen Smith, on the successful accomplishment of Flag Week.
Mr. President, at this critical time in our nation I would like to make a request. As an immigrant and a proud citizen of this country, I ask you to please make it your business to see that more publicity and public instruction is devoted to Flag Week. Proper recognition of the week is needed for Old Glory to receive proper and respect, which our flag richly deserves.
It is my hope that this year, President Obama, you will give some publicity to Flag Week and maybe in the near future we will include our national calendar this event as a reminder to everyone to display their flag that week.
This is my hope and reminder to everyone in our communities to put the flag out that week, regardless of what is going to be done nationwide and help to demonstrate that there are still enough good Americans, and that patriotism is still alive in our communities.
Vito Cannella