Letters to the Editor

Outlines Opposition to Project

A developer has submitted an application to the City of Glendale to demolish the used car dealership and commercial buildings at 3411-3437 Foothill Blvd., just west of New York Avenue, and replace them with 78 apartments, 17,200 square feet of commercial space and 208 parking spaces. The complex would be four and five stories high! If approved, this project would be more than twice as large as the controversial one recently approved at 3950 Foothill Blvd.  

The applicant intends to submit a Density Bonus application to include affordable housing. But here’s the catch. According to city planner Roger Kiesel the most apartments that could be approved for this property under current zoning is 58. The applicant seeks to use 58 units as the starting point and go up from there.  

But there is no right to build to the maximum. Proposals must be approved by the Design Review Board, which is charged with determining whether the project is appropriate considering the size, mass, floor area ratio, lot coverage, height, pressure on the infrastructure, and compatibility with the surrounding neighborhood as well as esthetics. 

The Crescenta Highlands Neighborhood Association opposes this project as outlined in the application. We are not opposed to responsible and compatible development. We need affordable housing and mixed-use projects along commercial corridors can be a means of providing it. But five stories and 78 units will destroy the character of our suburban/rural community, overburden our infrastructure, create traffic nightmares, and rob many homeowners of their mountain views. In short, the stretch of Foothill Boulevard in Glendale could end up looking like the Stucco Canyon on Central Avenue in downtown Glendale.

The Design Review Board will conduct a preliminary hearing on this application on Thursday, July 8. The meeting starts at 5 p.m. Unfortunately the public will only be able to participate remotely. Residents can view the meeting on Charter Cable Channel 6 or online at https://www.glendaleca.gov/government/departments/management-services/gtv6/live-video-stream. To provide comments or ask questions during the meeting, call (818) 937-8100. You can also email Mr. Kiesel at rkiesel@glendaleca.gov. before the meeting.

Mary-Lynne Fisher, President
Crescenta Highlands Neighborhood Association

Commends Local Republican Brandstater

As the seasons change and time seems swift and fleeting, noble Republicans like Allen Brandstater in Glendale, La Crescenta, Montrose, La Cañada Flintridge, and Burbank keep American traditions front and center in the public eye.

Mr. Brandstater’s many noble Republican writings and actions over the years should become current inspirational reading materials to uplift the area’s present school and adults populations. Scholarship transcends time and space.

Republicanism, even in the times of Radical Republicanism during the Civil War (The War Between The States) and the Reconstruction Times, will show readers how magnificently our America has many rewarding surprises to inspire. 

Mr. Brandstater is a wonderful Republican Party sage and pedagogy in our neck of the woods. Next Memorial Day show up to learn from him and others who show American pride and traditions.

Emzy Veazy III 

Need to Increase Vaccination Rates in Glendale

First of all, I really appreciate the CV Weekly, especially its coverage of Glendale City Council and other events throughout Glendale and La Crescenta.

In the June 10 issue of CV Weekly, there was a summary of the City Council meeting, including a section with quotes by Dr. Willian Wang, chief medical officer of Glendale Memorial. One of Dr. Wang’s quotes was that these vaccines “are extremely safe and extremely effective.” I totally agree.

However, the article went on to discuss vaccination rates in Glendale, including the roughly 70% of seniors who have had at least one shot. Dr. Wang is quoted as saying, “This is wonderful news because Glendale is taking care of its older population.” However, Glendale’s vaccination rate for all ages and particularly for seniors is substantially below those of other areas. The overall U.S. rate is 87% for seniors having at least one shot. For California it is 88%. For LA County: 86%. For Burbank: 81% and for Pasadena it is a whopping 92%. So Glendale is far behind at 70%. [Glendale also lags behind these other areas for other ages.]

I urge Glendale to figure out why and what can be done. Is it because the major vaccine center was at Glendale College, which is not that easily accessible? Is it because of insufficient outreach to seniors who may not speak much English? Distrust of vaccines by people of certain races/ethnicities?

I urge all leaders in Glendale, including City Council, city government, religious organizations, hospitals and schools (as well as individuals), to encourage everyone eligible to get the vaccine now and to make it as convenient as possible to do so. Look into creative ways to encourage people such as partnering with local doctors, barbers, churches and schools as well as having mobile clinics. Also consider what incentives Glendale can offer.

Jackie Gish

Summer Car Maintenance Tips

Summer is here and as we prepare for the temperature change, it is essential to prepare homes and vehicles for the changing seasons. Every winter, people across the United States prepare cars for snow and rain and rarely remember the importance of preparing vehicles for the summer heat.

Los Angeles County residents need to consider several factors for maintaining vehicles during the summer months. Some of the most important things to check on cars are tires, batteries and air conditioners. Below are additional ways to prepare vehicles this summer.

Summer car maintenance tips

  • Check car tire pressure regularly to help prevent blown tires as heat increases tire pressure
  • Check car batteries as they are more likely to die in the heat of summer
  • Change oil regularly to reduce the car’s oil viscosity which can damage a vehicle

When preparing cars for summer, it is essential to recycle the used oil and oil filters properly by taking them to a certified collection center. After completing an oil change, re-fill the oil container you just emptied with the used oil, making sure it does not get in contact with other liquids, including water. For your used filter, place it in a clean leak-proof container. For more information, visit CleanLA.com or visit CalRecycle.ca.gov to find a certified collection center.

Los Angeles County
Public Works


Our Representatives

It baffles me that there is such a transition in the values of our representatives over the years. 

I recall vividly during WW II days their platform was a pledge to upholding the Constitution and supporting our troops and law enforcement, strengthening our economy and reinforcing the best educational programs in the world. No other country provided the opportunities we had during this era. 

Our success was dependent on the ability to educate ourselves, work hard and obey the law. We didn’t have politicians [who] interfered with our religion, news media, education, or our industrial might and law enforcement. We voted for them because we believed they would uphold the Constitution and our Bill of Rights. Most of them have become very wealthy during their term of office by lobbing for individuals whose only interest is to gain power and wealth.

To regain the status we once had we must first impose term limits for all representatives who are elected. Secondly, we must have legislation that prohibits representatives from lobbing with financial investors.

As George Washington once said when he was asked to remain for his third term in office, “ I didn’t put my life on the line to rid our colonies of a king to only create another king. Therefore, I decline the nomination.”

If we want our country back we must vote for what is rightfully ours. There are too many minority groups that only represent themselves and unfortunately have incredible support from the media.

The majority must come forth and vote! Our nation is at the risk of collapse if we remain complacent.

Andy Gero 
La Crescenta 

Pride Divides            

[The CV Weekly] newspaper recently published [a letter to the editor on June 10] wherein a writer stated that the purpose for celebrating pride month is to recognize the impact that LGBTQ1A+ individuals have had on history. The writer failed to cite just a single example of such an impact from this alphabet group.

I will argue that others have had a much larger impact in shaping history yet those “communities” don’t get a month set aside for them to celebrate. The most obvious and compelling example would be male/female relationships resulting in the creation of children necessary to continue the cycle of life. We don’t get to fly our own identity flags yet we are virtually shamed into accepting lifestyles with which we do not agree.

I will also argue that forcing us to recognize this community or face the cancel consequences will only serve to drive a wedge between people just wanting to live their lives and people forcing their lifestyles upon us. There is no common ground where one group demands that they be accepted or face cancellation. If that is the future for La Crescenta then that will be a dark future.

Lastly, shame on Harry Leon and the Town Council for promoting a very divisive event. Everyone contributes to the betterment of La Crescenta. Singling out one group over all others is like spitting in the faces of those who do not subscribe to this rainbow indoctrination.

Bob Tanabe
La Cañada

Another Public Comment re: CVWD Board Meeting

I am really disappointed in the recent action of CVWD:

[Event 1] June 8, 2021: At the CVWD board meeting, Board President Sharon Raghavachary abruptly announces she is suspending the Community Advisory Committee (CAC) until July 2021.

[Event 2] June 19, 2021: I send a public comment to CVWD pointing out that President Raghavachary’s suspension of the CAC was illegal because neither she nor the Board had any authority over the CAC, which was created by staff. (CVWD legal counsel confirmed my opinion was correct.)

[Event 3] June 22, 20221: CVWD General Manager Nem Ocha sends a “Dear John” email to CAC members saying the CAC had completed its work and was no longer needed.

Really? Even a blind person can see this is a cover-up. Why has the CAC gone from being “suspended until July 2021” to suddenly “no longer needed”?

And why is General Manager Nem Ocha sacrificing his good reputation as a “straight-shooter” to give cover to someone like President Raghavachary, a reckless leader who time and again illegally tries to exert power that she does not have?

President Raghavachary’s actions should be censured, not covered up.

If CVWD persists in the cover-up, CVWD will lose any trust it has developed with the Crescenta Valley community.

How can the community trust CVWD when it says it really needs an 8% rate increase for the next three years when the community sees CVWD doing the following: [1] CVWD is willing to give cover to the attempted illegal actions of a Board President; [2] CVWD is willing to sacrifice the hard-working members of the CAC who are volunteers from the community for this cover-up by callously treating them as a light switch to be abruptly turned off.

In the past I have been willing to trust CVWD and speak out in favor of the proposed three-year schedule of rate increases, but it CVWD persists in this cover-up and the resulting appalling treatment of CAC member, I will instead speak out that perhaps CVWD is not to be trusted after all.

Marilyn Tyler
La Crescenta

Looking for Answers from CVWD

As a member of the Crescenta Valley Water District’s Community Advisory Committee (CAC), I wanted to let the community know about my experience prior to the upcoming rate increase. Our water district has raised rates for 19 of the last 20 years. The 2019 rate increase received a lot of negative community feedback so [CVWD] formed the CAC from two of the vocal community members and other people close to the board. Previously, CVWD has annually notified for rate increases but this year they want to give notice for an 8% increase per year for three years, the maximum amount allowed under Prop 218.

We found that the district had seeded the CAC with a board member from the Foothills Water District who is quite close to the CVWD directors. When this seeming conflict of interest was pointed out the member stepped down. As the CAC, without the influence of FWD board member, discussed the rate increases and the reasoning for the increases we began to ask more and more questions about the operations and rate structure. The rate structure is legally required to distribute the cost of the water and service based upon the customer’s use of the water and service. We were told that a new rate analysis is coming this summer but that they are going ahead with the rate increase anyway. We have been told that the tier structure for water rates are to encourage conservation and also told that it’s not about conservation but to reduce peak usage. Confusing. We asked why multi-family with single meters, commercial and agriculture properties pay a flat rate without tiers, but received no adequate answer. Questions about average vs. median water usage and reducing meter fees went unanswered. As we asked more questions and the deadline for the rate increase notification loomed, our meetings were cancelled by the utility and we were sent notice that we won’t be needed any more.

Something fishy is going on.

Burt Culver
La Crescenta

‘Luxury’ Housing?

It’s been so great to see our community rally together to stop the placement of a sexual predator in our community,

But there is another threat to the longterm health of our community that is being passed in our state legislature right now! It is a law – Senate bill 9 – that will abolish all R-1 zoning, single-family dwellings, throughout the state and allow apartments in their place. All this is being done in the name of providing more housing in the state.

This should outrage every citizen who has worked hard to own their own home in a place of their choosing; this should outrage every citizen who the state thinks it has the right to dictate to local towns and cities how and where they will create the fabric of their own communities. Legislators promoting this law say it is solving the housing problem but that is so mendacious when they also say that R-1 zoning, SFD is “luxury” housing and inherently “racist” (their statements)! 

Really!? Tell that to Black families in Altadena, Watts and Compton who live in R-1 zones who own their own homes that they live in “luxury” housing.

Already they have written about their anger in having this stolen from them by fiat from the state. Everyone needs to call their state representative today and tell them to vote against this intolerable measure. Already it has passed in the senate, and our own Anthony Portantino has voted in favor of this.

People, this is a law that is being foisted on us by agenda-driven activists who are arrogating to the state to tell localities how to organize their future growth. It has to be stopped now!

Stuart Byles
La Crescenta