Proposed Sales Tax Increase

Dear Glendale Council & Staff:
As a business in Glendale since 1953, I have serious concerns for any proposed measure that will jeopardize the health of fellow Glendale businesses. This [proposed ¾ percent sales tax] increase would not only affect us but also Glendale’s declining tax base. This proposed sales tax increase will create hardship on the businesses that have been the backbone of our society. With due diligence, you are responsible to help sustain these community businesses, not weaken them through added competitive disadvantages.

Californians are taxed out. As elected officials you are responsible to find solutions to the cost of governing. We all know the root of the problem: unfundable retirement costs. This problem will not go away no matter how much you tax the citizens of Glendale. Answers to the issue are important now before it gets further out of control and leads to more complicated debt and perhaps to bankruptcy and greater loses to the retirees.

In conclusion, please find other solutions than a sales tax increase.

Ken Grayson
Grayson’s Tune Town