Letters to the editor

Crescenta Valley Weekly welcomes letters from the community. We must request that letters be limited to 350 words. Letters can be mailed to Crescenta Valley Weekly; P.O. Box 543; Verdugo City, CA 91046 or email robin@cvweekly.com.

Feels intersection is
suited to a ‘T

My wife and I (and our dog) walk through the intersection of Park Place and Waltonia Drive at least two dozen times a week. Because of the reckless drivers who speed through there and don’t stop at the stop sign, we feel we’re risking our lives with each crossing, so we are really glad to see the county finally taking action on this situation. However, we don’t think an island is the proper solution.
In all likelihood, the island will cause more accidents as drivers try to negotiate the curves without slowing down. It’s my understanding that the island that used to be here was removed for that very reason. The most obvious solution is to “T” the intersection. Yes, we’ll be losing a little of the fanciful rose pattern that Mssrs. Holmes and Walton (for whom Waltonia is named) laid out when designing Montrose, but it will force drivers to slow down in order to make actual right-hand and left-hand turns. The way this intersection is now, with or without the island, is more like overlapping ovals than an intersection. I was going to try to sketch what this might look like if, but when I pulled up Google maps, I found that they’ve already done it!
Robert Newcombe
La Cañada