The Philosophy Difference Between the Left and Right

This is how I see it, of course. The two sides – the Left and the Right – are so different and opposite that it is not hard to see why our country is so divided. It is also obvious why our parties have achieved little in legislating issues that need solving. 

We the people need to give them direction as to what we want this country to be in the future! This coming election is so vital for us to direct them. So please analyze carefully all the consequences of your vote. We are not voting on two candidates but for the party philosophy they represent. It is not whom you like better but what party will best represent you and your family in the future. Please be mindful that talk and promises can actually be accomplished without drastic changes to your life as you know it. And, of course, at what cost to you financially [should be considered].

We are choosing between larger government influence on our lives – and perhaps our freedoms – from the democrats whereas more of the same life that we currently experience [offered by the republicans]. 

I have always preferred less government and more participation from the private sector. Government is more costly and less efficient. Government now employs one of every eight people. Government tends to take care of its own before the other seven. And we are taxed to maintain their needs and the services they represent. 

I am very concerned about the democrats’ focus on safety and how they plan to safeguard our lives. They want to defund the police, so what is their replacement plan? Government currently employs the police and directs them on what to do or not to pursue and hinders their effectiveness. The radical left appears to propose less control on crime.

Current government has its flaws but I still believe in it over what is proposed by the radical left democrats. They are not the same party that has dominated most of our history.  They are a high risk to support with their current platform of change.

Ken Grayson, owner

Grayson’s Tune Town




He Stands with Fauci

We need to protect experts in order to keep the government accountable. Stay strong, Dr. Fauci, we need you now more than ever!

I stand with science.

I stand with medicine.

I stand with scientists and educators.

I stand with doctors, nurses, pharmacists and healthcare providers and with all essential workers.

I stand with the truth.

He’s served six presidents, and led the NIAID and NIH for nearly 50 years. He’s won the Medal of Freedom, been the leading scientist that changed the tide of our largest pandemic (HIV) and for almost 20 years (1983-2002), was one of the most published and cited scientist in the world. (https://thebestschools.org/features/50-influential-scientists-world-today/)

He’s a straight shooter and tells the cold hard truth. Sugar-coating isn’t in his nature.


COVID-19. is.not.a.hoax.


Greg Champion

La Cañada