Once again I was spending my leisure hours perusing your excellent CV Weekly (Vol 8., No 52).
Not only do I particularly savor the poetry and educated weather review of our own Official Skywarn Spotter Sue Kilpatrick but I also always relish our own historian Mike Lawler. His articles on the heroics of our Montrose Search and Rescue team are true treasures. The resilience and courage of our little Crescenta Valley are revealed in each CV Weekly. And who can beat Mary O’Keefe’s excellent articles on a variety of CV stuff?
I see that one of your fine writers, Brandon Hensley, can be found on other than sports pages; he first restored my long lost connection to our La Crescenta, rejuvenated dreams that came true. Brandon must be coaching his replacement, Vincent Page, who is doing a fine job. I am very pleased to be just one “of three players in CV history to play in the NFL”(and to have been its only first-round-NFL draft choice in history). At my age, class of ’63 is living and fighting on in my heart and soul.
I write this also because I once again notice how you “risk-it-all” to speak out courageously on the unreasonable, purely driven by ignorance by the “PC” crowds attacking our incomparable American heritage (From the Desk of the Publisher). Your brief commentary on the attacks on our southern heritage in Charlottesville is priceless and sadly correct. PC is ruling the press (except our dear CV Weekly and its highly esteemed publisher). Folks simply do not seem to realize (or want to ignore) that we are the only county in history that fought a civil war, costing approximately a half-million lives, to end slavery. It is an astonishing ignorance of the facts that in America, which had a black President and still has numerous so called “minority” leaders, and at least 80% black players in NFL, NBA and track (I do not know actual numbers), that some players are even allowed to protest by ignoring, in their ignorance, our national anthem. And in sports, in which they are under contract to perform for entertainment, are making millions each year. Where could they live and make that kind of money other than in America? I must also say, as a veteran of hugely competitive sports, at USC and in the pros, it is merit that rules, not race. I could go on and on.
Here, I want to say thank you so much for your courage. My own patron saint, Joan of Arc, stood up courageously for her beliefs, too, as do other leaders of this great country the USA each day.
Michael Hull
San Clemente