Hi, CV!
Please follow us on Facebook and Twitter (and like us if you do). I found a really neat article about how to look through your teen’s room and notice signs of drug and alcohol use. I know groups talk about this, but this is the first time I’ve seen an exhibit in a mall that lays it out for parents to see.
I was going to suggest you get to our FB and Twitter through our website, but it’s still down. This is insanely vexing to me because the concern that built the website wants us to pay $1500 to fix the problem, and as an executive director of a nonprofit, I find that high. But when I try other vendors, the problem remains. Neither Julia nor I want to waste money with temporary fixes, but neither of us know how to handle this problem. If you do, could you help? I’ve been told it’s a defective plug-in. Some suggest we should start over on an easier platform. While I’d love to learn how to build a website, now’s not the time. Again: Please help! We need our website up and running.
We have a really special program to share with you. You all know about Red Ribbon Week. Well, Henry Lozano, its co-founder, has moved on to another program: International Red Ribbon Movement. He is kicking it off in four locations on Wednesday, Oct. 14 from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. in Japan, Texas, Florida and in the Council Room of USC-VHH! We will be linked electronically and I invite any of you who are interested to come. The program starts at 8:30 a.m. Check out “My Life, My Power” as this is the foundation of this new program geared to child empowerment, happiness and life skills.
Three brothers in Louisiana were fighting over karoke song selections. A friend left. They followed him home. He shot them and himself. I keep thinking about their mother. While all were over 50 and too old for her to investigate their rooms, wanna bet alcohol abuse was involved. Sigh…
Suzy Jacobs, Executive Director,
CV Alliance
3516 N. Verdugo Road
Glendale, CA 91208 (818) 646-7867