It is October and fall is in full swing. Kids are getting the hang of in-person learning again and parents are feeling a little more comfortable being at home. First and foremost, the CV Town Council wants to acknowledge our 2020 Crescenta Valley High School seniors, the recipients of the CVTC scholarships that will be presented on Thursday, Oct. 21 at the CVTC general meeting. Big thanks to Supervisor Kathryn Barger for her continued support of the CVTC scholarship program. Also a big shout-out to chair and co-chair of the Scholarship Committee, Councilmember Sophal Ear and Councilmember Ted Yu, for their hard work.

Last Thursday, the CVTC Land Use Committee (LUC) discussed SB 9 and SB 10, state laws that can impact our community. CVTC will request more information from the LA County Regional Planning and clarification about SB 9 and SB 10 and their effects on our area. The LUC meeting is always on the first Thursday of the month and community involvement is encouraged.

CVTC is very concerned about ADA accessibility at Crescenta Valley Park, park grounds, parking lot and park equipment. CVTC is requesting from LA County Dept. of Parks & Recreation a full review of ADA compliance at our area parks.

If you are a resident of the La Crescenta/Montrose area who has had bulky items dropped at your residence or in your neighborhood, you can call (888) 838-6746 or download The Works iPhone or Android applications. Anyone who witnesses illegal dumping in the unincorporated portion of LA County can call (888) 838-6746. We are in this together.

And lastly, do not forget our monthly Town Council meetings. For those who have an interest in attending and participating in our virtual meetings and want to submit comments and/or questions, we encourage you to please contact CVTC at The Zoom meeting ID is 956-9812-8070, and the password is 750226. Meetings begin at 7 p.m.

Harry Leon, President
Crescenta Valley Town Council