Take Part in CVTC

Why not write your name in for Crescenta Valley Town Council? Show you care about your community! They have three folks running for six seats on the council that serves unincorporated Los Angeles County – La Crescenta and Montrose. Meetings are the third Thursday and you can vote on the future of your town! Just be a write in and they will accept six more names.

Danette Erickson
La Crescenta

Disappointed with District Decision

I am writing to express my concerns about Glendale Unified School District’s decision to end the seventh period for middle and high school. The findings of financial mismanagement making this unfortunate decision appear necessary are deeply troubling. This situation highlights the critical need for better financial oversight in our educational institutions – starting at the top with our superintendent and extending throughout the administration of our district.

While the current board and superintendent should be commended for exposing the financial risk by agreeing to an independent audit, these leaders must now act. It is important to acknowledge that these deficits did not arise overnight. They are the result of years of mismanagement and opaque decision-making going back to previous administrations. We should approach the efforts of the current board with understanding and patience – but with continued demands for accountability.

I strongly support the board’s proposal for the formation of a budget oversight committee. This step is crucial in ensuring transparent financial management and preventing similar situations in the future. This should be done as soon as possible, not “for the 2025-2026 school year” as was mentioned at that last board meeting. We also need greater transparency and communication from the district to parent stakeholders. We deserve to be fully informed about the financial challenges of our district and the reasoning behind significant decisions that affect our children’s education. Regular updates via official school channels, town halls and open dialogues would go a long way toward rebuilding trust and understanding within our community. Timely contract negotiations need to become the norm again.

Despite these challenges, I remain optimistic about our district’s future. GUSD has a history of innovation and resilience. I believe that with time, careful planning and community support, we can stabilize our financial situation and improve educational outcomes for all our students by restoring seventh period.

Let’s work together as a community to support our schools, demand accountability and ensure a bright future for our children’s education.

Rachel Davidson
La Crescenta