Letter to the Editor

The Possibility of a ‘Bloodbath’

In spite of the state budget deficit of $46 billion (or $73 billion according to the legislative analyst), homeowners and renters alike face a virtual bloodbath if most or all of the bond and tax measures pass in November.

Prospective charges on the communal credit card include county Measure A to increase the sales tax by one-half cent to raise $1 billion a year for affordable (read: subsidized) housing. Tack on a $10 billion bond for educational facilities (Proposition 2) and another $10 billion bond for climate-related projects (Proposition 4).

Brace yourself for Proposition 5 co-authored by Assemblywoman Laura Friedman and approved by most Democratic lawmakers, including Assemblyman Chris Holden and Senator Anthony Portantino. If passed by voters bent on suicide, the measure would lower the threshold for parcel taxes from a two thirds majority to a simple majority and, in effect, wipe out Proposition 13.

Here’s the kicker: While Governor Gavin Newsom wages war on Big Oil, the non-elected California Air Resources Board (with 12 of its 16 members appointed by the governor) meets two days after the election to discuss low-carbon fuel standards that are expected to raise the price of gasoline by 47 cents a gallon– 65 cents by January.

And you thought you were being gouged by the oil companies!

Les Hammer