No Vote for Marijuana Legalization
As the election is coming up soon, I wanted to put forth some information regarding the issue of legalizing marijuana in our state. Bad idea and here is why.
Several months ago I attended a talk in Glendale in which raw, hard statistical facts were given on what happened in the states of Colorado and Washington when they legalized marijuana. Here were a few of the statistics covered: Increase in emergency hospital visits for minors (yes, they did get a hold of the drug even though it was “supposed to be” for adults only) as well as for children under 5 years of age. Marijuana was partially being marketed in candy-like wrappings which small children mistakenly got hold of. There was also a significant increase in vehicle accidents directly related to marijuana use as well as an increase in crime, just to name a few.
The marijuana being grown these days is far more potent than it was in earlier years and is addicting.
There are many facts that people need to be aware of regarding this issue so I am advising readers to take a few minutes and go to the website for SAM, Smart Approaches to Marijuana, at https://learnaboutsam.org/. Their main focus is on science-based marijuana education and awareness taken from a health perspective. Despite the myths floating around, marijuana is harmful and science backs this up.
I for one don’t want proposition 64 passed in our state and for good reason. Check out the facts. It’s bad enough that we have to be wary of drunk drivers on the road, but now drivers stoned on potent marijuana. Heaven help us all!
Trissie Badger
Bullying Behavior Unacceptable
I thought we were trying to teach our children that bullying is not an acceptable form of behavior. For any who are considering voting for this person, you might want to read this article and watch this YouTube video to get a behind the scenes look:
http://victuruslibertas.com/2016/09/temper-temper-killary-goes-on-rampage-for-over-an-hour-throwing-glass-at-staffers-head/ and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_NfFAaPZqs8.
The statements “Crush Matt Lauer” and “If I lose, we all go down and that fascist f… will have us swinging from nooses!” [makes me] wonder why the major media did not consider this to be newsworthy.
Do we really want this bully as our president?
Rus Mann
Thumbs Up for Antonovich
I first met Mike Antonovich over 40 years ago when we both served as reserve police officers for the City of South Pasadena. Years later we again worked together when then Supervisor Mike Antonovich served as District 5 supervisor for Los Angeles County and I served as council member and mayor for South Pasadena. Mike was constantly in contact with South Pasadena providing assistance from his office in many areas helping to make South Pasadena a better city.
Supervisor Mike Antonovich spoke openly and honestly conveying why Sgt. Steve Owen lost his life: AB 109 and the other Sacramento policies that release violent felons prematurely. And now they want more of the same broken policies.
County Supervisor Mike Antonovich stands with local law enforcement opposing AB 109 and Prop 57 and has a pro-active history of creating bipartisan results that protect the peace. Recently, the County Probation Dept. announced that Antonovich’s DISARM Program has successfully removed nearly 11,000 illegal firearms and over $720 million in drugs and illegal cash from our streets over the past 16 years.
As a former reserve police officer and former mayor I strongly endorse Mike Antonovich and urge all my friends and voters to join me in voting Mike Antonovich for state senate.
Wally Emory
La Verne