CVDAPC NEWS » Suzy Jacobs

Greetings from the CVDAPC

Parenting Tips from our strategic partners:
“It is an illusion that kids don’t want their parents around once they reach middle school. A parent’s presence and interest conveys value to them. But presence does not mean hovering, being nosy, or being their buddy. It does mean that you are available and non-judgmental and willing to listen. The most important conversations I had with my kids and their friends were in the car on the way to soccer practices or tournaments.”

Kim Villa
Volunteer Coordinator and
Community Impact Director
Montrose Church

“I have a son in high school. One of my most effective tools is becoming friends with his friends’ parents.  Because I am not always privy to information from my son, I am friends with his friends’ parents. We share information and this way have caught our kids doing things (not drugs or alcohol) they shouldn’t have been.”

Lianne Depino
Area Director
The Boys and Girls Club of Burbank and Greater East Valley

“Do not overreact. Experimentation occurs, and over-reacting exacerbates the problem.

Give your child examples of peer influences before they’re confronted with social pressures. Stress the importance of maintaining their individuality and personal strength.

When parents assume drug use is occurring, the dialogue is often one-sided, and that further isolates the child. Instead, give your child a voice and keep [the] communication line open.

Drug use or abuse by your child does not mean that you are a bad parent. Like cancer, this a disease and should be treated as such.”
Caleb Anderson, MSW, MPA
Contracts Performance Manager
Phoenix House

“Working with adolescents in rehab, we witness communication breakdown between youth and parents/caregivers due to language barriers, cultural and intergenerational barriers, and life circumstances/stressors. So continually engage kids in conversation from ages 0 – adulthood.

Adults need be aware of the messages we send to our kids whenever we act, react, and make our own decisions in life. Young people absorb, listen to, and watch every move we make. Let’s practice what we preach!”

Patty Abrantes, MSW
Olympia Academy Director
Olympia Academy for Youth – AADAP, Inc.

Our next strategic partners meeting is Friday, Dec. 6 from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. at USC Verdugo Hills Hospital Council Room. To RSVP, email

Suzy Jacobs is the executive director of the Crescenta Valley Drug & Alcohol Prevention Coalition. You can reach her at