Holidays Don’t Offer Break for CVTC
As the holiday season is upon us, the Crescenta Valley Town Council is continuing to work hard on issues that matter most to the community.
We would first like to thank the community for attending our annual pancake breakfast last month. We had a record turnout! This is the first year that first responders were invited and were served breakfast as our guests. This year, we have relied heavily on fire, law enforcement and medical personnel and we were proud to show our appreciation. This also builds on the already very strong partnership that we enjoy as we work to keep Crescenta Valley safe.
As many are aware, U Matter Luxury Resort (a detox facility) is slated to open soon on Frances Street. The CVTC held a special meeting on Nov. 1 at the community room of the La Crescenta Library to discuss this. Representatives from U Matter attended to answer community and Council questions as well as hear comments on the proposed business. Also present were members of the County agencies that regulate such facilities. This included Public Health, Regional Planning and Building and Safety.
The meeting was standing room only with many citizens overflowing into the library parking lot. After presentations, over 50 members of the public spoke during the public comments portion of the meeting. These comments were almost completely against the proposed facility with the chief concerns being related to safety and quality of life issues.
Upon questioning from Council, the representatives from U Matter admitted to removing signage (indicating opposition to the facility) from a neighbor’s yard. They also admitted to posting no parking signs for a portion of the public street (which the representative from Building and Safety called “incorrect” and said he would work to order them removed). Also upon questioning, the representatives from U Matter became very agitated and said that the community would “have to trust them.” This comment caused obvious outrage to those present at the meeting.
The Council discussed the matter and determined that, given the concerns and the presentation from the representatives of U Matter, the proposed location for the facility is not suitable. In our opposition, we also urged the County to investigate and take appropriate action on all public concerns.
Also at the meeting, a motion was introduced (and passed unanimously) to turn over to law enforcement all footage of the signs being torn down and removed by U Matter representatives so it can investigate the situation.
Regardless of opinion, we are very proud to have so many people in the community who showed up to voice their concerns about issues that matter most.
The next CVTC general election will be held on Nov. 10 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. and Nov. 11 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Sadler Hall at St. Luke’s of the Mountains Episcopal Church located at 2563 Foothill Blvd. at Rosemont Avenue. Up for election will be three regular positions (each serve for a three-year term) and three alternate positions (each serve for a one-year term). Candidates running are Chris Kilpatrick, Kerri Lewin-Brautigam, Jeffrey Rodriguez and Daniel Kim,
We encourage everyone eligible to participate.
With the school year underway, safe driving has never been more important. Please remember to slow down and obey all rules of the road. The life you save might be yours, your neighbor’s or a child’s.
Our next general meeting will be held on Nov. 16 at 7 p.m. at the La Crescenta Library. We look forward to seeing everyone there.
Chris Kilpatrick, President