CV Town Council President
Congratulations, hello and goodbye are all in order from the Crescenta Valley Town Council this month. Let me first start with congratulations. Just in case you had not heard, the Crescenta Valley High School varsity football team earned the title of CIF Southeast Division champions on Friday night. This has not been done since 1973. On behalf of the entire CV Town Council, we would like to extend a standing ovation to the entire team and coaches. The community is so very proud of you. We are looking forward to celebrating your incredible success at our January meeting.
As the council completes another year we will say hello to several new council members on Dec. 18 and goodbye to several as well, in particular Danette Erickson.
Danette has served on the council since 1995 and will be stepping off council with a promise to all of us that she will still be active in the community. Danette has been responsible for so many projects in the community that to list them all would take more than this article. If I were to highlight a few they would be the military banners along Foothill Boulevard and her push for our community to have our new library. I would like to invite the community to our Dec. 18 council meeting starting at 7 p.m. in the La Crescenta library community room. This meeting will be brief as we will be installing the new members and officers with the help of Supervisor Michael Antonovich and ending the meeting with a holiday party. Please take this opportunity to thank Danette and share a little holiday spirit with the entire council.
Speaking of holiday spirit, the Crescenta Valley Youth Town Council is looking for the home showing the most Christmas spirit. Have a friend or neighbor whose home should be nominated for this year’s Christmas Spirit Award? Please email the property address to mariam@thecvcouncil.com. Deadline to enter is Dec. 12. The Christmas Spirit Award will be presented to the winner at the CV Town Council general meeting on Dec. 18.
A few updates on projects in the community:
Crescenta Commons donor tiles. The handmade tiles that will fill the rings at Crescenta Commons are almost complete. The installation is now set for late January. Crescenta Commons will be starting a monthly community maintenance day the second Saturday of every month starting in January. Work dates and times will be posted on the council website.
Illegal signage on Foothill. Council has drafted a letter to the supervisor’s office requesting code enforcement along Foothill Boulevard in order to tackle all of the illegal banners, flashing signs and signage that has crept up in front of numerous businesses along the boulevard. Council has asked for a six- to nine-month survey that will include ongoing enforcement. An update is expected in February.
Finally, December marks the end of my first year as CV Town Council president and I must say it has been quite an honor to serve the council and the community. This year’s council has been incredibly supportive and productive. 2015 looks to be a very busy year as there are several new projects already on the slate. Council will be looking to the community for help and input.
Wishing the community a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.